Our management team brings strong field and project management experience to the AQUITY supported programs and projects.

Vinay Kaul
Director – Operations
Mr. Vinay Kaul brings over thirty years of diversified management (private industry, public & government sectors) experience in supply chain management, contracts negotiations, developing effective sourcing strategies, eliminating non-value add process through analysis and redesign, proven track record of contributing substantial cost savings, etc.
Mr. Vinay Kaul brings over thirty years of diversified management (private industry, public & government sectors) experience in supply chain management, contracts negotiations, developing effective sourcing strategies, eliminating non-value add process through analysis and redesign, proven track record of contributing substantial cost savings, etc.
Grogan Ullah
Director US Programs
Grogan Ullah has led the expansion of education, health and social programs for the migrant workers and other vulnerable populations. He has developed and led United States Department of Education and United States Department of Labor funded projects designed to assist America’s most vulnerable populations, including migrant farmworkers, improve their education and health outcomes, achieve their employment gains, access rehabilitative care, and improve their positive health-seeking behaviors in addressing substance use disorders, reproductive health, and mental health issues.

Abu Al Imran
Director Digital Innovations
Mr. Abu Al Imran has over 15 years of experience in digital innovations. He has developed several platforms to support health and social programs in various regions of the world. These include systems to support MDR TB patients, platforms to predict disease outbreaks, platforms for improving infection prevention and control in health care settings, among others. He is also leading efforts to help digitization among macro, and small to medium enterprises.
Ashraful Alam Razu
Director SaaS Platforms
An international trained finance, contract, and operations expert with over 12 years’ experience managing programs funded by USAID, UKAid, DFID and Gates Foundation in South Asia and Africa. Managed project budgets over $40 million per year and teams of over 30 staff, while maintaining a consistent record of delivering solid results in challenging, intense field operations requiring creativity, efficiency, team building, competency and high ethical standards.